How to Use Remove-MgUserTodoListTask in Graph PowerShell

The Remove-MgUserTodoListTask cmdlet is a powerful Microsoft Graph PowerShell command that allows administrators to delete tasks from a user’s To-Do task list. Whether you are managing tasks for a single user, multiple users, or performing bulk operations using CSV files, this cmdlet simplifies task removal operations.

In this article, we’ll explore its syntax, usage examples, tips, potential errors with solutions, use cases, and a conclusion.

Cmdlet Syntax

Remove-MgUserTodoListTask -UserId <String> -TodoTaskListId <String> -TodoTaskId <String>

Required Parameters:

  • -UserId: Specifies the user’s unique identifier (e.g., User Principal Name or Object ID).
  • -TodoTaskListId: The unique ID of the To-Do task list.
  • -TodoTaskId: The unique ID of the task to remove.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Removing a Single Task

This example removes a specific task from a user's To-Do task list.

Remove-MgUserTodoListTask -UserId "" -TodoTaskListId "A1B2C3D4E5F6" -TodoTaskId "12345"

Example 2: Removing Multiple Tasks

If you have a list of tasks to delete, you can loop through them using PowerShell.

$tasksToRemove = @(
    @{ TodoTaskListId = "A1B2C3D4E5F6"; TodoTaskId = "12345" },
    @{ TodoTaskListId = "A1B2C3D4E5F6"; TodoTaskId = "67890" }

foreach ($task in $tasksToRemove) {
    Remove-MgUserTodoListTask -UserId "" -TodoTaskListId $task.TodoTaskListId -TodoTaskId $task.TodoTaskId

Example 3: Bulk Removal via CSV

To perform bulk deletions, create a CSV file (e.g., tasks.csv) with columns UserId, TodoTaskListId, and TodoTaskId. Loop through the file details and feed them to Remove-MgUserToDoListTask.


$tasks = Import-Csv -Path "tasks.csv"
foreach ($task in $tasks) {
    Remove-MgUserTodoListTask -UserId $task.UserId -TodoTaskListId $task.TodoTaskListId -TodoTaskId $task.TodoTaskId

Tips for Using Remove-MgUserTodoListTask

  • Retrieve TodoTaskListId and TodoTaskId: Use Get-MgUserTodoList to fetch TodoTaskListId, and Get-MgUserTodoTask to fetch TodoTaskId.
  • Simulate with -WhatIf: Add -WhatIf to simulate task deletion and confirm tasks before deletion.
  • Validate Bulk Data: Before executing bulk operations, validate CSV data to ensure accuracy.

Possible Errors and Solutions

Error Cause Solution
User Not Found Incorrect or non-existent UserId. Verify the user exists and that the UserId is correct.
Task List Not Found Invalid TodoTaskListId. Use Get-MgUserTodoList to confirm the correct TodoTaskListId.
Task Not Found The specified TodoTaskId does not exist. Retrieve tasks using Get-MgUserTodoTask to confirm the TodoTaskId.
Insufficient Permissions Lack of necessary Graph API permissions. Ensure the account has the required Tasks.ReadWrite permissions.

Use Cases

  • Streamlining Task Management: Remove obsolete or completed tasks from users’ To-Do lists to maintain clarity and focus.
  • Automated Cleanup: Automate regular clean-up of tasks across multiple users to enhance organizational productivity.
  • Bulk Task Deletion: Remove project-specific tasks once the project is completed.
  • Task Delegation: Clear tasks from one user’s list before assigning them to another team member.


The Remove-MgUserTodoListTask cmdlet is an essential tool for administrators managing tasks in Microsoft 365. Whether you need to delete tasks for a single user, multiple users, or through bulk operations, this cmdlet simplifies the process. By combining it with other Graph PowerShell cmdlets like Get-MgUserTodoList and Get-MgUserTodoTask, administrators can efficiently manage To-Do tasks across the organization.

Suggested Reading

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