How to Use Remove-MgUserToDoList in Microsoft Graph PowerShell

Microsoft Graph PowerShell provides a powerful cmdlet, Remove-MgUserTodoList, to remove Microsoft To Do task lists for users. This article explores the cmdlet's syntax, usage examples, tips, potential errors, and practical use cases to help IT administrators automate and streamline their task list management processes.

Cmdlet Syntax

Remove-MgUserTodoList -UserId <String> -TodoTaskListId <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]

Key Parameters

  • -UserId: Specifies the User ID (or UPN) of the user whose To Do task list you want to delete.
  • -TodoTaskListId: The unique identifier of the To Do task list to be deleted.
  • -WhatIf: Simulates the command without performing the actual deletion.
  • -Confirm: Prompts for confirmation before executing the cmdlet.

How to Obtain TodoTaskListId

To get the TodoTaskListId, use the Get-MgUserTodoList cmdlet:

Get-MgUserTodoList -UserId <UserPrincipalName> | Select-Object Id, DisplayName

Usage Examples

Example 1: Remove a Single To Do Task List

Remove-MgUserTodoList -UserId "" -TodoTaskListId "A1B2C3D4"

Example 2: Remove Multiple To Do Task Lists

$TaskListIds = @("A1B2C3D4", "E5F6G7H8")
foreach ($Id in $TaskListIds) {
    Remove-MgUserTodoList -UserId "" -TodoTaskListId $Id -Confirm:$false

Example 3: Bulk Removal via CSV

$CsvData = Import-Csv -Path "TaskLists.csv"
foreach ($Row in $CsvData) {
    Remove-MgUserTodoList -UserId $Row.UserId -TodoTaskListId $Row.TodoTaskListId -Confirm:$false

Cmdlet Tips

  • Simulate Actions: Use the -WhatIf parameter to simulate the removal process without making changes.
  • Fetch Task List IDs: Always run Get-MgUserTodoList to validate the task list IDs before attempting removal.
  • Automation Ready: Combine with CSV imports for bulk deletions, especially for organization-wide cleanups.

Possible Errors & Solutions

Error Cause Solution
404 Not Found Invalid or non-existent TodoTaskListId. Ensure the TodoTaskListId exists by running Get-MgUserTodoList.
403 Forbidden Lack of permissions in Microsoft Graph API. Assign the required permissions (Tasks.ReadWrite) to the app registration or admin account.
400 Bad Request Incorrect or missing parameters. Verify the -UserId and -TodoTaskListId parameters for accuracy.

Use Cases

  • Cleanup of Old or Inactive Task Lists: Remove outdated task lists for inactive employees or to declutter a user's workspace.
  • Compliance and Governance: Enforce compliance by deleting personal task lists containing sensitive information when users leave the organization.
  • Bulk Management for Team Changes: Efficiently delete task lists for users who no longer require access in team restructuring scenarios.


The Remove-MgUserTodoList cmdlet is a versatile tool for managing Microsoft To Do task lists, whether for individual users or at scale. By automating task list cleanup, IT administrators can save time and enforce organizational policies effectively. Use the examples and tips provided in this article to maximize the cmdlet's potential.

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