Using Update-MgUserTodoList in Graph PowerShell

The Update-MgUserTodoList cmdlet in the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module allows administrators to update To-Do task lists for users. This can be incredibly useful for automating task management and keeping lists organized, especially in bulk scenarios. This article delves into the cmdlet's syntax, usage examples, tips, possible errors with solutions, and impactful use cases.

Cmdlet Syntax

Update-MgUserTodoList -UserId <String> -TodoTaskListId <String> -BodyParameter <Hashtable>


  • -UserId: The unique identifier or UPN of the user whose task list is to be updated.
  • -TodoTaskListId: The ID of the task list to update.
  • -BodyParameter: A hashtable defining the properties of the task list to be updated.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Update a Single Task List

This example updates the display name of a task list for a specific user.

$params = @{
    displayName = "Updated Project Tasks"
Update-MgUserTodoList -UserId "" -TodoTaskListId "AAMkAGI2T..." -BodyParameter $params

Example 2: Update Multiple Task Lists

This example iterates through a list of task lists for a user and updates their descriptions.

$taskLists = @(
    @{ Id = "AAMkAGI2T...1"; Description = "Updated Description 1" },
    @{ Id = "AAMkAGI2T...2"; Description = "Updated Description 2" }

foreach ($taskList in $taskLists) {
    $params = @{
        description = $taskList.Description
    Update-MgUserTodoList -UserId "" -TodoTaskListId $taskList.Id -BodyParameter $params

Example 3: Bulk Update via CSV

This example updates multiple users' task lists using a CSV file.

$csvData = Import-Csv -Path "TodoLists.csv"
foreach ($row in $csvData) {
    $params = @{
        displayName = $row.DisplayName
    Update-MgUserTodoList -UserId $row.UserId -TodoTaskListId $row.TodoTaskListId -BodyParameter $params

Cmdlet Tips

  • Use Valid IDs: Ensure the TodoTaskListId is accurate, as incorrect IDs result in errors.
  • Test Before Bulk Operations: Always test updates on a single task list before proceeding with bulk updates.
  • Adhere to Documentation: Follow the official parameter structure for the -BodyParameter to avoid errors.
  • Check Permissions: Ensure the account running the cmdlet has the necessary permissions to update To-Do task lists.

Possible Errors & Solutions

Error Cause Solution
Invalid UserId The UserId provided is invalid or does not exist. Verify the UserId using Get-MgUser.
TodoTaskListId Not Found The provided task list ID does not belong to the specified user. Retrieve task lists using Get-MgUserTodoList to ensure correctness.
Invalid BodyParameter Format The hashtable in -BodyParameter does not conform to the expected structure. Follow the Microsoft documentation for valid key-value pairs.

Use Cases

  • Streamlining Task Management: Administrators can ensure consistency across task lists by standardizing names and descriptions across the organization.
  • Bulk Updates During Project Restructuring: When teams or projects are reorganized, this cmdlet allows quick updates to task lists to reflect the new structure.
  • Enhancing Productivity Insights: By adding descriptions or tags to task lists, managers can better track and analyze productivity trends across teams.
  • Onboarding and Offboarding Automation: Automatically configure or update task lists for new employees or remove sensitive details during offboarding.


The Update-MgUserTodoList cmdlet is a powerful tool for administrators to manage To-Do task lists efficiently. Whether you need to update a single list or apply changes in bulk, this cmdlet can streamline the process while maintaining consistency. With proper planning and adherence to Microsoft Graph API conventions, you can unlock its full potential to improve task management across your organization.

Suggested Reading

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