Using Get-MgContact in Graph PowerShell

The Get-MgContact cmdlet is part of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. It is used to retrieve contact information from Microsoft 365. This cmdlet can be used to get details of a specific contact or a list of contacts. In this article, we will explore its syntax, provide usage examples, discuss common errors, and offer some tips for effective usage.


  • You need one of the following Azure AD roles: Global administrator or Global reader.
  • Install the Graph PowerShell module by running the command: Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser.
  • Connect to Graph PowerShell with the scope 'Contacts.Read' by running the command: Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Contacts.Read".


Get-MgContact [-Filter <String>] [-Search <String>] [-Select <String[]>] [-ExpandProperty <String[]>] [-Top <Int32>] [-All] [-ConsistencyLevel <String>] [-CountVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


  • -Filter: Filters the results using OData v4 query options.
  • -Search: Searches for contacts that match the given query.
  • -Select: Specifies the properties to include in the response.
  • -ExpandProperty: Expands related entities inline.
  • -Top: Limits the number of results returned.
  • -All: Retrieves all results.
  • -ConsistencyLevel: Sets the consistency level of the request.
  • -CountVariable: Specifies a variable in which to store the total count of objects.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Retrieve all contacts

Get-MgContact -All

This command retrieves all contacts.

Example 2: Retrieve specific properties of all contacts

Get-MgContact -All -Select DisplayName, Id

This command retrieves only the DisplayName and Id properties of all contacts.

Example 3: Filter contacts by display name

Get-MgContact -Filter "displayName eq 'Graham Bell'"

This command retrieves contacts whose display name is 'Graham Bell'.

Example 4: Search for contacts by a keyword

Get-MgContact -Search "displayName:Stewart" -ConsistencyLevel Eventual

This command searches for contacts with the keyword 'Stewart' in their display name.

Example 5: Retrieve a specific number of contacts

Get-MgContact -Top 10

This command retrieves the top 10 contacts.

Cmdlet Tips

  • Performance: Use the -Select parameter to specify only the properties you need, which can improve performance by reducing the amount of data returned.
  • Filtering: Use the -Filter parameter to narrow down results, especially useful in large environments.
  • Consistency: When using filters, adding the -ConsistencyLevel eventual parameter ensures that results are consistent with the state of the directory.
  • Pagination: Combine -Top and -Skip parameters to handle pagination and retrieve large sets of data in manageable chunks.
  • Export large datasets to CSV file: To handle large datasets, you can use the Export-CSV cmdlet and export the data and manage it from CSV files.
$contacts = Get-MgContact -Filter "displayName eq 'John Doe'" -Select DisplayName, Id, JobTitle
$contacts | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Contacts\JohnDoeContacts.csv" -NoTypeInformation


  1. Managing External Contacts for Communication:
    • Scenario: Organizations often need to manage external contacts, such as vendors, partners, or clients, within their Microsoft 365 environment. These contacts might need to be regularly updated or referenced for communication purposes.
    • Implementation: Use Get-MgContact to retrieve a list of external contacts stored in Azure AD. You can query for contact details such as email addresses, display names, and phone numbers to ensure that communication with external parties remains seamless.
    • Benefit: Centralizes external contact management, ensuring that team members can easily access and communicate with external stakeholders from within Microsoft 365 tools like Outlook and Teams.

  2. Auditing Contact Information for Accuracy:
    • Scenario: Over time, external contact details can become outdated due to personnel changes or company restructuring at partner organizations.
    • Implementation: Use Get-MgContact to audit and review external contacts, ensuring that all information (e.g., email addresses, company names, phone numbers) is accurate and up to date. This is especially useful for large organizations that maintain many external partnerships.
    • Benefit: Keeps external contact information reliable, reducing the risk of communication failures due to incorrect or outdated contact details.

  3. Generating Reports for External Contact Management:
    • Scenario: Organizations may want to generate reports detailing all external contacts to better manage relationships with vendors and partners or to review their communication network.
    • Implementation: Use Get-MgContact to retrieve all contacts and export the data to a CSV or Excel file, allowing for comprehensive reporting and analysis of external contacts. This is helpful for departments like procurement or legal that need a clear overview of communication lines with external entities.
    • Benefit: Provides visibility into the organization's external contact network, aiding in decision-making related to vendor management and external communications.

  4. Automating Contact Directory Updates:
    • Scenario: External contacts may change frequently, especially for businesses that work with a variety of third-party providers. Manually updating contact information can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
    • Implementation: Use Get-MgContact in an automated script to regularly fetch and synchronize external contacts with another system or directory. For instance, you could automatically retrieve external contact information from a CRM system and sync it with Azure AD to keep the directory current.
    • Benefit: Streamlines the contact management process, reducing manual intervention and ensuring that external contacts remain accurate and up to date across systems.

Possible Errors and Solutions

Error: Authentication Issues

Cause: "Authorization_RequestDenied"

Solution: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access the Microsoft Graph API. You might need to consent to the required permissions or update your access token.

Error: Invalid Filter Syntax

Cause: "Invalid filter clause"

Solution: Check the syntax of your filter. Ensure you are using valid OData v4 query options. Refer to the OData query documentation for details.

Error: Resource Not Found

Cause: "Resource not found"

Solution: Verify that the contact you are trying to retrieve exists. Check for typos or incorrect identifiers.

Error: Throttling

Cause: "Too Many Requests"

Solution: Implement retry logic with exponential backoff in your scripts to handle throttling. Reduce the frequency of your requests.

function Get-ContactsWithRetry {
    param (
        [int]$RetryCount = 3,
        [int]$DelaySeconds = 5

    $attempts = 0
    $success = $false
    while (-not $success -and $attempts -lt $RetryCount) {
        try {
            $contacts = Get-MgContact -All -Select DisplayName, EmailAddresses
            $success = $true
        } catch {
            Write-Warning "Attempt $attempts failed. Retrying in $DelaySeconds seconds..."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $DelaySeconds

    if ($success) {
        return $contacts
    } else {
        throw "Failed to retrieve contacts after $RetryCount attempts."

$allContacts = Get-ContactsWithRetry

Error: Timeouts

Cause: "Request timeout"

Solution: Increase the timeout value for your request. Optimize your queries to return only the necessary data.


The Get-MgContact cmdlet is a powerful tool for retrieving contact information in Microsoft 365. By leveraging various parameters like -Filter, -Select, and -ExpandProperty, administrators can efficiently manage and access detailed contact data. Ensure the necessary permissions and roles are assigned to avoid access issues.

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