Locate Cmdlets with Find-MgGraphCommand in Graph PowerShell
This guide explains how to use the Find-MgGraphCommand cmdlet in Microsoft Graph PowerShell to locate cmdlets for specific operations. Learn to search by keywords and discover relevant Graph functionality.
The Find-MgGraphCommand cmdlet in Graph PowerShell is used to search for cmdlets within the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. This cmdlet helps you discover the available commands related to various Microsoft 365 services, making it easier to find the cmdlets you need for managing and automating tasks in your Microsoft 365 environment
- The Find-MgGraphCommand cmdlet does not require any specific Microsoft Graph API permissions. It is used to discover available Microsoft Graph cmdlets and their required permissions, but the cmdlet itself can be run without any special permissions. The only requirement is that you should have installed the Graph PowerShell module by running Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph command.
Basic Syntax
Here’s the basic syntax of the Find-GraphMgCommand cmdlet: Find-MgGraphCommand [-Command <String>] [-ApiVersion <String>] [-BaseUrl <String>] [<CommonParameters>
- -Command: The name of the cmdlet to search for. Supports wildcard characters..
- -ApiVersion: The version of the API to use. Defaults to the latest version if not specified.
- -BaseUrl: The base URL of the Microsoft Graph service. Defaults to the Microsoft Graph global endpoint.
Get Graph PowerShell Cmdlets That Contain *user*
If you want to get all the cmdlets that contain 'user' in them, then you should pass user within * *
Note: Similary you can pass *group*, *team* to get all the group-related and teams-related cmdlets and so on.
Get Graph PowerShell Cmdlets By Name
if you know the name of the cmdlet, then you can pass it to Find-MgGraphCommand to find out different ways (or methods) in which it can be used. The permissions required to execute the cmdlets also get listed.
Get Permissions Needed to Execute a Graph PowerShell Cmdlet
If the permissions returned in the previous command seem confusing, you can expand the permissions property of the cmdlet you want to use as shown here. The output would be easier to read.
Breakdown of the Cmdlet
- Find-MgGraphCommand -Command Get-MgUser: This part of the cmdlet uses Find-MgGraphCommand to search for the Get-MgUser cmdlet within the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. The -Command parameter specifies the name of the cmdlet you are looking for, which in this case is Get-MgUser.
- |: The pipe | operator is used to pass the output of one command as input to another command. Here, it takes the output of Find-MgGraphCommand and passes it to Select.
- Select -First 1: The Select cmdlet is used to select specific properties of an object or a set of objects. The -First 1 parameter tells Select to take only the first object from the output. This is useful if you only need to look at one instance of the output, especially if you expect multiple results but only want to examine one.
- -ExpandProperty Permissions: The -ExpandProperty parameter is used to expand the specified property of the object. Here, it expands the Permissions property of the first Get-MgUser cmdlet found. The Permissions property typically contains a list of the permissions required to execute the cmdlet.
Possible Errors You Might Face
Using Find-MgGraphCommand in Microsoft Graph PowerShell can occasionally result in errors. Here are some common errors and their solutions:
Error: Find-MgGraphCommand : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'Name'. Cause: Using an incorrect parameter name (e.g., -Name instead of -Command). Solution: Ensure you use the correct parameter -Command. Example: Find-MgGraphCommand -Command '*user*'
Error: Find-MgGraphCommand : Access is denied. Cause: Insufficient permissions to run the cmdlet. Solution: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the Microsoft Graph API. You may need to sign in with an account that has the required permissions:
Error: Find-MgGraphCommand : The term 'Find-MgGraphCommand' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Cause: Using an outdated version of the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module that does not include Find-MgGraphCommand. Solution: Update the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module to the latest version by running: Update-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph
Error: Find-MgGraphCommand : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Command' because it is null. Cause: The -Command parameter value is not specified or is null. Solution: Ensure that you provide a valid value for the -Command parameter. Example: Find-MgGraphCommand -Command 'Get-MgUser'
Frequentlyh Asked Questions
What is Find-MgGraphCommand used for?
Find-MgGraphCommand is a Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlet that helps you discover cmdlets and APIs for specific tasks by searching for keywords or operations.
How can I search for cmdlets related to users?
Use the following script to search for user-related cmdlets:
Find-MgGraphCommand -Command "*user*"
Can I search for APIs related to a specific action, like creating groups?
Yes, you can search for APIs by specifying a keyword related to the action. Example:
Find-MgGraphCommand -Command "create group"
How can I filter results to find specific cmdlets or APIs?
Use the -Command parameter with a precise keyword or phrase to narrow down results. Example:
Find-MgGraphCommand -Command *mail*
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