Using Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule in Graph PowerShell

The Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule cmdlet in Microsoft Graph PowerShell allows administrators to retrieve the message rules of a specified mail folder. This cmdlet can be particularly useful for managing and monitoring email rules within an organization, ensuring compliance, and troubleshooting user issues. In this article, we will explore the syntax, usage examples, tips, use cases, possible errors, and solutions.

Note: You need mail folder IDs to work with this cmdlet. Use Get-MgUserMailFolder to get the mail folder IDs.

Cmdlet Syntax

Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule -UserId <String> -MailFolderId <String> [-MessageRuleId <String>] [-ExpandProperty <String[]>] [-Property <String[]>]
  • UserId: specify the user id who messages you wish to query.
  • MailFolderId: specify the mail folder id for fetching the message rules.
  • MessageRuleId: specify the message rule id you want to fetch.
  • ExpandProperty: helps you expand hidden properties inline.
  • Property: helps you select properties you wish to view.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Fetch All Message Rules

Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule -UserId "" -MailFolderId "AAMkAGI2TgAAA="

Example 2: Fetch a Single Message Rule

Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule -UserId "" -MailFolderId "AAMkAGI2TgAAA=" -MessageRuleId "AQMkAGI2TgAAA="

Example 3: Filter Message Rules

Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule -UserId "" -MailFolderId "AAMkAGI2TgAAA=" | Where-Object { $_.isEnabled -eq $true }

Cmdlet Tips

  • UserId Parameter: The -UserId parameter accepts either the user principal name (UPN) or the user ID.
  • MailFolderId Parameter: The -MailFolderId parameter is required and specifies the ID of the mail folder.
  • ExpandProperty and Property Parameters: Use these parameters to retrieve additional properties or expand relationships.

Use Cases

  • Compliance Audits: Ensure that users are not creating rules that violate company policies.
  • Troubleshooting: Identify and resolve issues caused by specific message rules.
  • Monitoring: Regularly review user-created rules to prevent potential security risks.

Possible Errors & Solutions

Error: "Resource not found"

Cause: The specified mail folder or message rule does not exist.

Solution: Verify the -MailFolderId and -MessageRuleId parameters. Use the Get-MgUserMailFolder cmdlet to list all mail folders and their IDs for the user.

Error: "Access Denied"

Cause: Insufficient permissions to access the user's mail folder or message rules.

Solution: Ensure that the executing account has the necessary permissions. Consider using delegated permissions with appropriate scopes (e.g., Mail.Read).

Error: "Invalid UserId"

Cause: The -UserId parameter is incorrect or the user does not exist.

Solution: Double-check the user principal name (UPN) or user ID. Use the Get-MgUser cmdlet to verify the user information.


The Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule cmdlet is a powerful tool for managing and monitoring email message rules within an organization. By understanding its syntax, usage, and potential errors, administrators can effectively use this cmdlet to ensure compliance, troubleshoot issues, and maintain security. Remember to regularly review user-created rules and address any identified issues promptly.

Additional Resources:

Graph PowerShell Get-MgUserMailFolderMessageRule Cmdlet Documentation
Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module Documentation
Microsoft Graph API Documentation

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