Using Get-MgGroupMemberCount in Graph PowerShell

This guide demonstrates how to use the Get-MgGroupMemberCount cmdlet in Microsoft Graph PowerShell to retrieve the number of members in Microsoft 365 groups. Learn how to list member counts for single or multiple groups with practical examples

The Get-MgGroupMemberCount cmdlet is a handy tool for administrators managing Microsoft 365 Groups. This cmdlet retrieves the count of members in a group, which is crucial for reporting, monitoring, and scaling group sizes effectively. In this article, we'll explore its syntax, usage examples, common errors, and potential use cases to maximize its utility.

Cmdlet Syntax

Get-MgGroupMemberCount -GroupId <String> [-ConsistencyLevel <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]


  • -GroupId <String>: Required. The unique ID of the group for which you want to count members.
  • -ConsistencyLevel <String>: Optional but in most cases it’s recommended to use -ConsistencyLevel Eventual to ensure you retrieve the correct count in a large dataset.

Usage Examples

Example 1: Get the Member Count for a Group

In cases where you manage large groups, using -ConsistencyLevel Eventual ensures you get an accurate count.

Get-MgGroupMemberCount -GroupId "12345-abcd-6789-efgh" -ConsistencyLevel Eventual

Example 2: Retrieve and Store the Member Count in a Variable

This example stores the count in a variable for later use in other processes or reporting.

$memberCount = Get-MgGroupMemberCount -GroupId "12345-abcd-6789-efgh" -ConsistencyLevel Eventual
Write-Host "The group has $memberCount members."

Cmdlet Tips

  • Always use the -ConsistencyLevel Eventual parameter when working with large datasets or dynamic groups to get an accurate count of group members.
  • Store the output in variables when you plan to perform additional actions such as generating reports or automation tasks.
  • The GroupId parameter is required; if not provided, the cmdlet will return an error.

Possible Errors & Solutions

Error 1: "Group not found"

Cause: The GroupId provided does not exist or is incorrect.

Solution: Verify the GroupId. You can retrieve the Group ID using the Get-MgGroup cmdlet.

Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Marketing Team'"

Error 2: "The request is not supported without ConsistencyLevel."

Cause: Large datasets often require the -ConsistencyLevel Eventual parameter for an accurate count.

Solution: Add the -ConsistencyLevel Eventual parameter to your command.

Get-MgGroupMemberCount -GroupId "12345-abcd-6789-efgh" -ConsistencyLevel Eventual

Error 3: "Invalid GroupId format"

Cause: The GroupId is incorrectly formatted or not provided.

Solution: Ensure you are using the correct GroupId format (e.g. a valid GUID).

$group = Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Marketing Team'"
Get-MgGroupMemberCount -GroupId $group.Id

Use Cases

  • Group Size Monitoring: Organizations often have size limits for groups. Using Get-MgGroupMemberCount, administrators can monitor group sizes to ensure they stay within permissible limits, helping with scalability and system performance.
  • License Management: If you manage licensed users through specific groups, counting members helps track license allocation. You can easily pull the member count for licensing groups and ensure compliance.
  • Automating Reports: Integrating this cmdlet with a scheduled task can automatically generate reports on group sizes. For example, daily or weekly reports can help identify which teams are growing too large or need further resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Get-MgGroupMemberCount used for?

Get-MgGroupMemberCount is a Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlet used to retrieve the number of members in a specific Microsoft 365 group.

2. Can I retrieve member counts for all groups in my tenant?

Yes, loop through all groups and calculate their member counts. Example:

$Groups = Get-MgGroup -All
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
    $MemberCount = (Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $Group.Id -All).Count
    Write-Output "Group: $($Group.DisplayName), Member Count: $MemberCount"

3. How can I export group member counts to a CSV file?

Use this script to export member counts for all groups:

$Groups = Get-MgGroup -All
    $Results = @()
    foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
        $MemberCount = (Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $Group.Id -All).Count
        $Results += [PSCustomObject]@{
            GroupName = $Group.DisplayName
            MemberCount = $MemberCount
$Results | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Path\To\GroupMemberCounts.csv" -NoTypeInformation

4. What permissions are required to retrieve group member counts?

You need the GroupMember.Read.All or GroupMember.ReadWrite.All permission in Microsoft Graph PowerShell. Ensure appropriate permissions are granted in Azure AD.


The Get-MgGroupMemberCount cmdlet is a vital tool for administrators managing Microsoft 365 Groups. Whether you’re monitoring group sizes, tracking membership for licensing purposes, or automating reports, this cmdlet simplifies group management. With the right usage of the -ConsistencyLevel Eventual parameter and by ensuring correct GroupId formatting, you’ll avoid common errors and streamline group administration.

By leveraging this cmdlet effectively, administrators can improve group monitoring, optimize resource allocation, and ensure their environment scales efficiently.

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