Tracking when a user account has been disabled in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a vital part of managing user access and maintaining security. When a user’s sign-in is blocked, it’s crucial for administrators to have detailed records, including the time the action took place, the user who was disabled, the admin responsible, and whether the operation was successful. In this article, we will explore a PowerShell script that leverages Microsoft Graph to fetch audit logs and retrieve details of recently disabled users.
This guide will walk you through the script itself, how it works, ways to enhance it further, and common errors you may encounter along with their solutions.
# Import the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph
# Authenticate and connect to Microsoft Graph
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "AuditLog.Read.All"
# Define the date range for fetching disabled users (customize as needed)
$startDateTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") # Past 30 days
# Fetch all DirectoryAudit logs related to 'Update user' in the past 30 days
$allAuditLogs = Get-MgAuditLogDirectoryAudit -Filter "activityDisplayName eq 'Update user' and activityDateTime ge $startDateTime"
# Create an array to store the formatted results
$disabledUserDetails = @()
# Loop through the audit logs to process 'Update user' events
foreach ($event in $allAuditLogs) {
$disabledTime = $event.ActivityDateTime
$disabledUser = ($event.TargetResources | Where-Object { $_.UserPrincipalName }).UserPrincipalName
$disabledBy = $event.InitiatedBy.User.UserPrincipalName
$resultStatus = if ($event.Result -eq 'success') { 'Success' } else { 'Failed' }
# Create an object for each record
$userDetail = [pscustomobject]@{
"Disabled Time" = $disabledTime
"Disabled User" = $disabledUser
"Disabled By" = $disabledBy
"Result Status" = $resultStatus
# Add the object to the results array
$disabledUserDetails += $userDetail
# Output the results in a tabular format
if ($disabledUserDetails.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "No disabled user events found in the given date range."
} else {
$disabledUserDetails | Format-Table -AutoSize
This script makes use of Microsoft Graph’s audit logs to track when a user’s account is disabled. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how the script works:
The provided script is highly effective in tracking users whose sign-in has been disabled, but there are several ways to enhance it to make it more dynamic and useful in different scenarios::
$startDateTime = Read-Host "Enter start date (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ)"
$endDateTime = Read-Host "Enter end date (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ)"
$disabledUserDetails | Export-Csv -Path "DisabledUsersReport.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Send-MailMessage -To "" -From "" -Subject "Disabled Users Report" -Body "Please find the attached report." -Attachments "DisabledUsersReport.csv"
$adminEmail = Read-Host "Enter the admin's email address"
$disabledBy = $event.InitiatedBy.User.UserPrincipalName
if ($disabledBy -eq $adminEmail) {
# Process event...
Error: "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation"
Cause: The account used to run the script does not have the required permissions (AuditLog.Read.All).
Solution: Ensure that the account has the appropriate role and permissions. You can assign the role via the Azure AD admin center.
Error: "No disabled user events found in the given date range."
Cause: There were no user disable actions in the specified time period, or the filters are too restrictive.
Solution: Expand the date range or check that the right action (Update user) is being captured in the logs.
Error: "Invalid DateTime format"
Cause: Date formats need to follow the ISO 8601 standard (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ).
Solution: Ensure that the date is formatted correctly. You can also add error handling to the script to prompt the user in case of an incorrect format.
Disabling a user's account in Azure AD is a critical action, and having a record of these events is essential for audit and compliance purposes. The PowerShell script we’ve outlined provides a simple and effective way to track disabled users, allowing administrators to retrieve key details including the exact time of the action, the user affected, and the admin responsible.
By leveraging audit logs from Microsoft Graph, this script helps you maintain transparency and security in your organization’s user management practices. With further enhancements such as automated reporting or exporting the results, the script can become a powerful tool in your administrative toolkit.
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